Homemade Glass Cleaner with Dawn: How to DIY Guide

Homemade Glass Cleaner with Dawn

Ever found yourself staring helplessly at a streaky window after using store-bought glass cleaner?

I have, and let me tell you, it was frustrating!

After one particularly cloudy afternoon, I decided enough was enough.

Turning to my trusty bottle of Dawn dish soap, I made my own glass cleaner after much trial and error.

So, I’ll share my easy DIY guide to making homemade glass cleaner with Dawn in this article.

How to Make Homemade Glass Cleaners with Dawn

A spray bottle sits on a countertop, filled with a mixture of water, vinegar, and Dawn dish soap. A streak-free shine reflects off a window in the background

Follow these steps to make a homemade glass cleaner with dawn:

  1. Gather ingredients along with an empty spray bottle.
  2. Measure 2 cups of water and pour it into the spray bottle.
  3. Add 1/4 cup of white vinegar to the bottle.
  4. Put in 1/2 teaspoon of Dawn dish soap.
  5. Close your spray bottle and gently shake the mixture to combine all the ingredients.

If you are looking for natural glass cleaners, this guide discusses the Best Ammonia Free Glass Cleaner options available today.

Ingredients Required to Make Homemade Glass Cleaner with Dawn

These are the materials required to make a homemade glass cleaner with dawn:

  1. Distilled Water: A staple in many cleaning solutions, it serves as the base for your cleaner due to its purity, preventing streaks and residue.
  2. White Vinegar: The acidic nature of white vinegar makes it great at cutting through grease and grime on glass surfaces, leaving them clear and streak-free.
  3. Dawn Dish Soap: Incorporating a few drops of Dawn dish soap can boost the cleaning power of your solution, effectively breaking down oils and dirt.
  4. Spray Bottle: A clean, empty spray bottle will be your container for the mixture, allowing for easy application.
  5. Lint-Free Cloth: To wipe and polish your glass surfaces, lint-free cloth is ideal for a streak-free finish.
  6. Rubber Gloves (optional): If you have sensitive skin or wish to protect your hands, consider wearing rubber gloves.

If you’re unsure which products to trust, check out our guide on the best glass cleaner for hard water spots to make an informed decision.

Essential Ingredients for DIY Glass Cleaner

These are the ingredients required to make a homemade glass cleaner with dawn:

  1. Distilled White Vinegar: Acetic acid in vinegar cuts through grease and leaves a streak-free shine.
  2. Water: Dilutes the vinegar to an appropriate strength for cleaning without damage. For superior purity, use distilled water.
  3. Dawn Dish Soap: A few drops can elevate your cleaner’s ability to tackle tough grime.
  4. Rubbing Alcohol: Speeds up drying time, reducing streaks and killing germs.
  5. Cornstarch: A small amount helps to buff out any potential streaking.
  6. Essential Oils: Essential oils add a pleasant aroma and can have antimicrobial properties. Choose lemon or lavender for a fresh scent.

Ensure your cleaning efforts aren’t wasted. Learn more about the best streak free glass cleaner in this comprehensive guide.

How to Apply Homemade Glass Cleaner with Dawn

Follow these steps to apply a homemade glass cleaner with dawn:

  1. Prepare the Cleaning Solution: Add 2 cups of water, 1/2 teaspoon of Dawn dish soap, and 1/4 cup of white vinegar into an empty spray bottle. Secure the lid on the spray bottle and gently shake to mix the ingredients. Be careful not to create too many suds.
  2. Check Window Temperature: Ensure that the windows are not too hot from direct sunlight, as this can cause the cleaning solution to evaporate quickly and leave streaks.
  3. Apply the Cleaner: Spray a light mist of the cleaning mixture onto the glass surface.
  4. Start Cleaning: Wipe the glass using a microfiber cloth, beginning with circular motions to loosen any dirt or grime. After the initial wipe-down, use vertical strokes and finish with horizontal swipes to ensure a streak-free finish.
  5. Maintain Cleanliness of Tools: Frequently rinse or switch out the microfiber cloth during cleaning to avoid transferring dirt back onto the glass surfaces.

In this guide, find out why a Homemade Eyeglass Cleaner for Coated Lenses can be smarter for your eyewear maintenance needs, especially if you want to cut costs.

Comparing Homemade and Store-Bought Cleaners

A spray bottle sits on a countertop, filled with homemade glass cleaner made with Dawn dish soap. A streak-free window sparkles in the background

This table compares homemade and store-bought cleaners:

AspectHomemade Glass CleanerStore-Bought Glass Cleaner
IngredientsMix of Dawn dish soap, rubbing alcohol, and water. Gentle on surfaces, fewer harsh chemicals.Contains various chemicals, some harsh or toxic. Gloves and ventilation may be needed.
CostLess expensive; ingredients are cheap and can make multiple batches.Higher due to branding, packaging, and specialized chemicals.
EffectivenessCan be effective, especially against grease; results vary by recipe and ratios.Often contributes to plastic waste unless eco-fr
Environmental ImpactLess plastic waste, reusable containers.It can be effective, especially against grease; results vary by recipe and ratio.

For detailed instructions on properly using eyeglass cleaners on your specific type of coating, check out this guide detailing the Best Eyeglass Cleaner for Coated Lens.

FAQs on Homemade Glass Cleaner with Dawn

These are the most frequently asked questions about homemade glass cleaner with dawn:

How can I create a streak-free glass cleaner using Dawn?

To create a streak-free glass cleaner using Dawn, mix a few drops of Dawn dish soap with equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Shake the mixture well, then wipe with a lint-free cloth to avoid streaks.

What are the steps to making a homemade window cleaner with Dawn but without vinegar?

For a homemade window cleaner without vinegar, combine 2 cups of warm water with a few drops of Dawn dish soap in a spray bottle. Mix thoroughly until the soap is fully dissolved, and spray onto glass surfaces, followed by a clean wipe down.

Can I use a homemade solution with Dawn and vinegar for cleaning windows using a squeegee?

A homemade Dawn dish soap and vinegar solution is suitable for cleaning windows with a squeegee. Ensure the mixture is well combined in your spray bottle, apply to the glass, then use the squeegee for a streak-free finish.

What ingredients are needed for an effective DIY outdoor window cleaner that doesn’t require wiping?

For an effective DIY outdoor window cleaner, use a mixture of water with a few drops of Dawn dish soap in a spray bottle. Spray generously on the windows and use a hose to rinse off after letting it sit for a few minutes; this method requires no wiping.

How do I make a glass cleaner using Dawn that’s safe for tinted windows?

To make a glass cleaner safe for tinted windows, dilute Dawn dish soap in lots of water to achieve a mild solution. Avoid using ammonia or vinegar, which can damage the tint. Apply the cleaner with a soft cloth and wipe gently.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when mixing a homemade glass cleaner with Dawn?

Avoid using too much soap when mixing your homemade glass cleaner, which can cause streaking and residue. Also, do not clean windows in direct sunlight, as this can cause the cleaner to evaporate too quickly and leave streaks. Use a soft, lint-free cloth instead of paper towels to prevent lint transfer.


Crafting your homemade glass cleaner with Dawn dish soap is a straightforward and effective solution for keeping your windows and mirrors sparkling clean. This DIY method saves money and reduces harsh chemicals in your cleaning routine, making it a healthier choice for you and the environment. Following the simple steps outlined, you can create a reliable, streak-free glass cleaner that tackles dirt and grime efficiently. Try making your glass cleaner with Dawn today and enjoy the clarity and shine it brings to your home.